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What is the Good Works Accelerator?

The Good Works Accelerator (GWA) is a non-denominational community financing and impact program that helps match dynamic and growing churches and organizations doing good community work and needing a new physical home with various church campuses that we purchase. Essentially, GWA’s Program uses real estate as an “accelerator” to help spread and multiply good works throughout the communities we serve.  We help bridge the financial gap so those organizations can lease and then purchase these church campuses that they might otherwise not be able to access/purchase and we do so with subsidies/favorable below market provisions and, utilizing options to purchase agreements, without the common concern/fear of having their buildings sold to someone else while they are getting grounded and growing in their new “home”.

At Good Works Accelerator, we specialize in facilitating church sales, leases, and purchases, empowering organizations to unlock new possibilities. With our expertise, flexibility, and support, we help churches navigate the real estate market and find the perfect arrangement that aligns with their goals and mission. Whether you are looking to sell your existing property, lease a space for your congregation, or purchase a new facility, we are here to guide you every step of the way. Explore the possibilities with Good Works Accelerator and embark on a transformative journey for your church community. Let us match you with a new property of your dreams.


The mission of the Good Works Accelerator (“GWA”) is to create a bridge to ownership opportunities for growing church and other organizations by investing capital and expertise to accelerate their growth and reach. GWA works with investors seeking “impact investments” and assumes the risk in acquiring under-utilized and surplus church and multi-use property and leasing them (for eventual ownership utilizing a program customized to optimize the future purchase possibilities for program participants) so that worthy organizations can expand their reach and service. By providing new, often larger, organizational facilities/campuses to church groups and other worthy organizations which are often unable either to qualify for financing to acquire their own facility or, perhaps qualify to lease a suitable building allowing them to grow, GWA assumes the significant financial risks that most traditional institutions reject. In so doing, GWA that offering new “home” facilities for participating organizations and their leadership will expand their missions and good work. GWA treats participants as though they are “owners” of the facility from the first day they move in.


The Good Works Accelerator (“GWA”) originally formed as an amalgamation of long-time impact investment entities Accumulated Resources of Kindred Spirits entities (“ARKS”) and Anka Funds (“Anka”) to create an own-to-serve program model to catalyze and accelerate the growth of churches through the acquisition and provision of new facilities to lease and then, ideally, own. Over time, GWA observed that its program also could fill financial needs and other gaps of non-faith based organizations and widened program participation eligibility to include all organizations performing good works in the community.

About ARKS

ARKS and affiliates (ARKS) began in 1994 under the Giving Together program. In 1997, it came under the ARKS umbrella. ARKS operated one of the largest church building financing and advisory services in the country, having helped over 500 churches. ARKS invested/financed over $500 million in churches and church activities. ARKS invested/financed over $500 million in churches and church activities. ARKS constructed over 4 million square feet of new facilities, developed an estimated 5000 acres, and conducted more than 150 Give Together Campaigns on behalf of its church clients, raising millions of dollars for good works in the community. At the height of its operations, ARKS’ operations topped $100 million annually and more than $750 million in total.

About ANKA

Anka (ankafunds.com) is a private equity platform that invests capital in under-served sectors where it can make a positive impact. Anka has invested in a portfolio of affordable rate housing, church facilities and early stage companies with a core environmentally or socially sustainable business. ANKA and affiliates have acquired and rehabilitated over 700 properties.

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