Unlocking Possibilities for Churches and Specialty Properties

Discover how GWA empowers churches and specialty properties with flexibility, support, expertise, and ownership assurance. Unlock new possibilities today.

  •  Flexibility to do business with less established groups.
  • GWA’s financial supporters are willing to take risks that most others refuse to take.
  • Locked In Options to Purchase (property cannot be sold to anyone else while you are leasing).
  • Purchase prices at a discount to the market price.
  •  Flexibility with less financially sound groups and more relaxed underwriting criteria.
  •  GWA is the only organization of its kind in the US, to our knowledge.
  •  Flexibility to allow changes to the property to suit the organization.
  • Allow part-time arrangements.
  • We are nondenominational and do not discriminate against for-profit enterprises.
  • As long as your
    organization is doing good work, we are here to help.
  • Experience working extensively with diverse churches and leadership
  • We understand and care. about your organization in a way that most real estate professionals do not lease and invest in your real estate home and community with the knowledge that you will own the
    property and not have it sold out from under you.
  • Expertise with financing and lenders when you are ready to purchase your home.
  • Treating you like an owner from the first day you move in, even if you are just leasing.
  • Leapfrog into a real estate property or campus that you otherwise couldn’t achieve, to accelerate your revenue through the growth of membership, clientele, revenue, or whatever your mission might be.
  • Experienced staff who have worked with church and specialty properties to advise and consult on your goals and objectives, including building more effective tithing and campaigns.
  • Access to our host of additional support services to help fine-tune your operation.
  • Access to professionals that understand the crossroads between community work and business.
  • We can buy your existing property and help you upgrade to a new property in one transaction.
  • If you’re a seller of a church or other specialty property, we can buy your property fast and without financing.
  • If your organization needs capital but does not want to leave, we can purchase your property and you can stay as long as you’d like with a lease, and even an option to purchase it back when you are ready.
  • Our business model only allows us to succeed when you succeed.
  • We help you create a financial and operational track record package that future lenders love.
  • We wrote the book, literally, on successful church building. We can share that wisdom with you.
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