WELCOME TO good works accelerator

GWA’s Lease and Building Ownership Program

The  Good Works Accelerator is unique in that it works with groups where it’s clear that entering a new space will help greatly increase their revenue/membership/clientele, so unlike others we have a mission to help and therefore we regularly work with those whose income is expected to increase once they move into the new campus/property, even if that doesn’t show yet. Also, if income is not sufficient, sometimes arrangements can be made (pre-payments, evidence of savings, co-signer, guarantors, etc.) to overcome that condition.

Before you begin!

Please fill out all fields that apply to you so we can have a representative make contact with you. If you are unsure or a question doesn’t apply to you, it’s okay to write that and why — just fill in to your best ability. We recognize that this form is longer than some, but it is to your benefit to fill out as best as possible we will focus resources and responses to expeditiously move forward with the groups that seem most interested. Given the volume of interest, providing enough meaningful information for us now to understand your situation is important and will help us get you into a great property to accelerate your group’s growth.

Fill Out This Form

If you checked Yes bottom, answer these questions:

Please list requested information for the last 3 years.

Membership or Customer figures per year each of the last 3 years (depending if a membership organization or company):

Number of Giving Units or Donation/Subscriptions/Membership Dues per year each of the last 3 years (Family units or single adults)
Provide breakdown of number of current members by age group.
What is your organization’s total revenue for each of the last three years?

Financial Information

Please provide your current and past budget/expense numbers for:
If you have operating budget projections for next three years, please provide:
Financial Information Section Exclusively for smaller/newer organizations without sufficient substantial financial track records**

** Please Note: If you are a newer organization or are concerned that you do not have the requisite financial track record intend to qualify for the GWA Own-To-Serve program and wish to use any individual or group of individual’s personal financial information in addition to the organization’s financial information so that you can financially qualify, please also answer the questions on the last pages related to personal finances.

Personal Financial Information For People or Organizations that will Help the Organization qualify:

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